Aquaponics Plants

There is a plethora of plants and vegetables that can be grown in an aquaponics system. The following is a list of common aquaponics plants; including vegetables, plants, herbs, flowers, and more that are grown in aquaponics for a variety of reasons.

Lettuce is great for aquaponics


Probably the most common plant grown in aquaponics is the trusty lettuce. It loves being grown in an aquaponics system and is an excellent choice to grow for the home or especially commercially as it can be grown on a small or large scale very well. It is grows quickly and is a popular vegetable for consumption.

kale in aquaponics


Kale is another excellent choice for the aquaponics system. Like lettuce, it is commonly grown in many commercial and home aquaponics systems, for similar reason. It grows relatively quickly, is a popular choice for consumption, and does very well in the aquaponics environment.

beets for aquaponics


Beets are another good choice for an aquaponics system. They aren’t as popular as the above choices in a commercial setting, but they do make an excellent choice for a media grow bed in an at-home aquaponics system. Highly nutritious and considered a superfood.

taro in aquaponics


Taro is another plant that is commonly grown in an aquaponics system. Not so much commercially as they typically need to be grown in a media grow bed type of environment, but it makes an excellent choice for the home aquaponics system. Similar to beets, practically every part of the taro plant is edible.

rosemary for aquaponics


One of the most popular herbs grown around the world, rosemary makes a good choice for a flood and drain aquaponics media grow bed. With lots of light, they do very well in an aquaponics system. They can be finicky, but as long as they get enough sunlight, good drainage, and adequate nutrients, they ought to do well.

eggplant for aquaponics


Eggplant is another popular choice for the aquaponics media grow bed. They prefer lots of sun and can be nutrient greedy, so care may need to be taken when planning what you’ll grow in an aquaponics system that shares a home with eggplants.

tomatoes for aquaponics


Another excellent choice for the aquaponics system, tomatoes are among the most popular vegetables grown at home. Not the easiest plant to grow with consideration to pests and nutrient requirements, but they make a very rewarding choice for successful aquaponics growers.

strawberries for aquaponics


Strawberries are also quite popular in an aquaponics system. They prefer cooler temperatures, so they make an excellent choice to grow seasonally. They are often grown in vertical NFT systems so the fruits can hang down from the plants.

okra for aquaponics


Another popular, yet not quite so common choice for an aquaponics system is Okra. They like warm weather, and do well in hotter areas. They can also grow quite big, so care should be taken when planting them in a grow bed.

marigolds for aquaponics


Marigolds can be grown in an aquaponics system. They’re not very common to see grown in an aquaponics grow bed, since most people tend to grow plants strictly for eating, but marigolds can be a excellent addition to the aquaponics garden. They help repel pest insects, attract beneficial inserts, and they also make attractive flowers.

sunflowers for aquaponics



Sunflowers are another flower choice for the aquaponics system. They like a warm, sunny environment, and make a very attractive addition to the aquaponics grow bed. They may need support as they grow tall, so consider planting them in a sturdy gravel/rock system.

For more information on aquaponics plants, check out our Plants category page.

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