Aquaponics Fish

There are many different types of aquaponics fish or aquatic life raised in an aquaponics system today. The following is a list of the more common types of fish utilized in modern aquaponics.

tilapia for aquaponics



Tilapia is probably the most common fish raised in aquaponics for many reasons, one of them being that it is a good choice of fish for food and profit. It is also an easy to raise and incredibly hardy fish that can survive the sometimes adverse conditions of a densely crowded aquaponics system; it grows relatively quickly and has a palatable taste.



Koi is another popular fish raised in an aquaponics system. They’re not typically grown for food as they are not a very good fish for eating, but they can make wonderful pets and are often bred and raised as such. Koi are also a very hardy fish and can live many years. Their storied history, colorful patterns, size, and personality make them a great choice for backyard enthusiasts or non-commercial aquaponics systems looking for a fish to raise, not for food, but for enjoyment.

catfish for aquaponics


Catfish are another popular fish raised in an aquaponics system. Often raised commercially in aquaponics, it is a good choice for similar reasons to tilapia; being a very hardy fish that grows relatively quickly and to good size.

sockeye salmon


Salmon can be raised in an aquaponics system, but usually require more space and stricter temperature and water quality parameters than other choices of fish. They make for excellent eating though, but are normally grown in commercial or large scale systems because of the space they require and their more particular needs. They are well adapted to colder temperatures and make a better choice for climates with more temperate weather.

trout for aquaponics


Trout is another colder climate fish commonly raised in an aquaponics system. They grow relatively quickly and are very palatable. Like salmon, they prefer cooler water and have stricter temperature and water quality requirements compared to tilapia and koi. Similarly to salmon, they are tougher to breed in captivity compared to tilapia, so most people purchase fry or fingerlings and raise them to size in their systems.

perch for aquaponics


Perch is another great fish to grow in an aquaponics system. Commonly raised down-under, it is one of the most popular fishes to grow in Australia and similar places around the world. They are very hardy, grow relatively quickly and to decent size. Difficult to breed in captivity, so many people purchase fry or fingerlings to raise in their systems.

goldfish for aquaponics


Last, but not least, we have the Goldfish. Goldfish are commonly raised in backyard or at-home aquaponics systems because of their smaller space requirements and hardy nature. They’re also personable and come in an assortment of colors and patterns. Similar to koi, they aren’t raised as food, but instead kept and bred as pets; they make an excellent fish for the beginner aquaponics enthusiast.

For more on information on topics related to aquaponics fish and aquatic life, check out our Fish category page.

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